Calendar Archive through 2005December 2004Sundays
Special EventsCall 410-581-2322 for details of events. December 11, Saturday, 6:00 p.m. - Potluck and Workshop at the home of Dick and Judy Katz, "The Exodus and Conquest Stories." Attendance at the potluck workshops will be limited to a dozen guests. Please contact Fritz or Dick and Judy if you'd like to attend. December 12, Sunday, 12:15 p.m. to 1:45 p.m. - Brown-bag lunch and repeat workshop of Dec. 11th, "The Exodus and Conquest Stories." There is no limit to the number of participants at the Sunday afternoon workshops. You may contact Fritz by email for any questions. Return to the top. January 2005Sundays
Special EventsSundays Jan 2, 16, and 30: The poetry group will meet before our Sunday morning Platform. Sunday Jan 30: Newcomer's Meeting at 12:30 pm. Details of PresentationsJanuary 2: Colloquy: Karen Elliott, Associate Leader for Adjunct Services A colloquy is a period of self guided reflection. Attendees are asked to respond to questions, or stories, but not to each other's comments. Rather, they are asked to "speak from the heart." Karen Elliott has been a member of the Baltimore Ethical Society for many years, and has conducted colloquys at the Society on many occasions. She assists the Leader by officiating at weddings and memorial services. She is currently the President of the Baltimore Ethical Society. January 9: Faith and Doubt: Fritz Williams, Leader of the Baltimore Ethical Society Ethical Culture has a constitutional aversion to religious controversy. We have put arguments about supernatural beliefs behind us, and we have turned our attention to improving human relationships and working for a better world for ourselves and our children. Still, as we pursue these practical agendas, we often find ourselves enmeshed in conflict with people of faith. Fritz Williams discusses faith and doubt as attitudes that range far beyond the question of believing or not believing in God and permeate every dimension of life. Fritz Williams is Leader of the Baltimore Ethical Society and serves as primary speaker, teacher, pastor, and organizational leader. Fritz also performs weddings and commitment ceremonies. He has worked as a parish priest in the Episcopal church, and as a writer and producer at public TV stations in Harrisburg, PA, and Detroit, MI. January 16: Safety, Civil Rights and the Ethics of Discrimination: Bash Pharoan, Arab-American Anti-Discrimination League Bash Pharoan, MD, is founder and President of the Baltimore Chapter for the American Arab Anti-discrimination committee and The Islamic Society of Maryland. Dr. Pharoan will share his views of the specific effects of 9/11 on minorities in the USA as well as the broader effects on 9/11 on the USA and the world. He will also discuss the common values and differences betwen Arab cultures and western culture, and give us an overview of who are Arab Americans in Maryland and the USA. Dr. Pharoan came to Baltimore in 1975 to begin his surgery residency at Franklin Square Hospital and has been there ever since. He immigrated to the USA for freedom, opportunity and pursuit of happiness. He believes that this nation is better because of every immigrant that came and built his or her life on this land. He says, "We changed America and America changed us." January 23: The Intolerance of Evangelicals: Rev. Ralph Campbell, Lead Pastor at Twin Rivers Church in Columbia, Maryland Rev. Campbell will be looking at the prevailing cultural assumptions toward evangelicals, as well as examining their successes and failures. This insider's look will be given by an evangelical who is very proud to be invited to speak to the BES. Rev. Campbell serves as the primary teacher and vision caster at the Twin Rivers Church, which he founded five years ago with his wife. He is working on his doctorate at Princeton with an emphasis in preaching. January 30: Reflections of Afghanistan: Fahima Vorgetts, Director of Women for Afghan Women's (WAW) Afghan Women's fund WAW is an organization dedicated to empowering women in Afghanistan. Ms. Vorgetts will discuss the current situation in Afghanistan, and her efforts to raise awareness about the plight of women and children there. Fahima Vorgetts is an Afghan born American, board member of WAW, chemist, and independent businesswoman. She lectures world wide, at the United Nations, and has been interviewed by NPR and the BBC. Return to the top. February 2005Sundays
Special EventsFebruary 12th, (Saturday) 7:00 p.m., a V-Day performance in the Baltimore Ethical Society main meeting room at the Congress Hotel. The Society is presenting a special V-Day performance of "The Vagina Monologues" (by Eve Ensler). Admission is $8. This program will promote awareness of the effort to stop violence such as rape, battery, incest, female genital mutilation, and sexual slavery against women and girls. The proceeds from this program will go to local groups fighting violence against women and girls in the Baltimore area. February 13th, at 10:30 a.m., Darwin Day Celebration, in the Baltimore Ethical Society main meeting room at the Congress Hotel. Don't miss the opportunity to meet with members of the Baltimore Secular Humanists at this joint program. February 27th at 10:30 a.m., An Oratory Contest, in the Baltimore Ethical Society main meeting room at the Congress Hotel. Middle school students will compete by memorizing and presenting narrative poems, or stores with a dramatic flare. Finalists will compete on the 27th for trophies. Return to the top. March 2005Sundays
Special EventsSaturday, March 12th Pot Luck (12:30 p.m.) and Bible Workshop (1:30 p.m.) at the Baltimore Ethical Society. Workshop: "Jesus in the Light of Modern Scholarship" How do scholars try to penetrate Christian traditions and claims about Jesus in an effort to determine what he really did and said? And what sorts of conclusions are they drawing about his life and message? Don't miss our third pot luck and Bible workshop at the Baltimore Ethical Society at 306 West Franklin Street on Saturday, March 12th, at 12:30 p.m. We'll eat and socialize first. Then at 1:30 p.m., Fritz Williams will lead a discussion on "Jesus in the Light of Modern Scholarship." We're holding the workshop at the Baltimore Ethical Society in order to accommodate as many people as want to attend, and the pot luck and workshop are open to all members, friends, guests, and visitors. Bring along some food to share, and if you have access to one, a New Testament to refer to. Return to the top. April 2005Sundays
Special EventsSaturday, April 9: A multimedia performance, "World Parliament of Faith," 8:00 p.m., at St. Mary's Outreach Center. Tickets, $10. St. Mary's Outreach Center is located at 3900 Roland Avenue, between 40th Street and "The Avenue" in Hampden. Thursday April 28: Dining Out For Life What is Dining Out For Life? On April 28th, participating restaurants in the Baltimore and Annapolis area (and around the country) will be donating all or a portion of their profits for the evening to Moveable Feast, an organization that provides food to homebound people living with AIDS and HIV. How does it work? Simply eat out at your favorite participating restaurant with your family or friends, and enjoy the meal knowing that at least 20% of your check is going to help hundreds of men, women, and children in your community living with AIDS and HIV. How do I find participating restaurants? Go to the web site diningoutforlife.com and click on your city. A list of participating restaurants will appear along with the amount the restaurant will donate for that evening. Please thank the restaurant for supporting Moveable Feast and for making a difference in the lives of people living with AIDS and HIV. What is a Moveable Feast Ambassador, and would I like to be one? An ambassador is someone who greets dining guests as they come in, and lets them know that the restaurant is donating a portion of their profits to Moveable Feast. Anyone can be an ambassador. Just call 410-327-3420, Ext. 11 for more information. What if my favorite restaurant does not participate in "Dining Out For Life"? You can tell management at your favorite restaurant about Moveable Feast and ask them to participate. Bon appetit! Return to the top. May 2005Sundays
Special EventsSaturday, May 14th, Bible Workshop ("The End of the World") and Pot Luck, 6:00 p.m., home of Dick and Judy Katz. Bring a dish to share, and a Bible for reference. Space is limited, so call Fritz Williams at 1-717-582-4932 for a reservation. "The End of the World" will explore what many fundamentalist Christians believe about living in the "end times," and preparing for the second coming of Jesus Christ. It will also provide an opportunity to examine the scriptures that support these beliefs and key chapters in their historical development. The workshops will be conducted by Fritz Williams, who is not only our Leader, but has a MDiv from the Lutheran Theological Seminary in Philadelphia, and a ThM in Biblical Studies from Princeton Seminary. Sunday, May 15th, Bible Workshop (Repeat of "The End of the World"), starting at 12:30 p.m., after the regular program at the Baltimore Ethical Society, 306 West Franklin Street. There is no pot luck, but bring a Bible for reference. June 5th, Picnic in the Park, Sparks Bank Nature Center, noon to 4:00 p.m. Bring a dish to share and a lawn chair. There will be some outdoor games such as lawn bowling, horse shoes, badminton, and for the little ones, ring toss, big balls, and bubbles. There is a hiking trail for those who want to ramble. Drinks, cups, plates, and utensils will be provided. Directions: Take I-83 north to exit 24 (Belfast Road). Turn right on to Belfast Road, and go to the end (York Road). Turn right. Take the second left onto Sparks Road. The parking lot is just past the one lane bridge on the right. Noon to 4:00 p.m. Return to the top. Summer Sundays ScheduleDuring the summer, the Baltimore Ethical Society Sunday program consists of informal guided discussions on a wide variety of topics, ending at 11:30 (discussion only) or noon (with video). The regular formal program resumes in September.
Poetry Group Summer Schedule: Return to the top.
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Return to the top. December 2005Sundays
Other Activities
December 3, Coffee House, Saturday at 7 pm.
December 4, Poetry Group, Sunday at 9:30 am.
December 4, Board Meeting, Sunday at 12:30 pm.
December 11, Colloquy, Sunday at 9:30 am. December 11, Ethical Action, Sunday at 12:30 pm December 18, Poetry Group, Sunday at 9:30 am. See Dec 4th. December 18, "NEWCOMERS' MEETING", Sunday at 12:30 pm. Learn about the history and organization of the Baltimore Ethical Society and the Ethical Culture movement.
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