April 2006 April 2006Sundays
Return to the top. Current EventsSaturday, April 1, 7 pm Coffee House (see notes below) April 2, 9:30 am Poetry Group April 2, 10:30 am MOVABLE TREATS for Movable Feast (see notes below) April 2, 12:30 pm Board Meeting (Members) Saturday, April 8, 6 pm Potluck Dinner at the Solomons' featuring Phyllis and Sylvain Ehrenfeld from the Bergen County Society who are two of the AEU representatives to the United Nations. Gather at 6, dinner at 6:30. Call 410.363.3140 for directions and information April 9, 12:15 pm Ethical Action April 16, 9:30 am Poetry Group April 30, 12:15 pm Newcomers MOVABLE FEAST prepares and delivers meals to AIDS patients, others with life-challenging conditions, and their families. The extra calories are a pleasurable part of their life support system. If you're interested, there are other opportunities to serve this wonderful organization. They're looking for volunteers to serve as delivery drivers, bakers, kitchen assistants, and events assistants. For more information log on to www.mfeast.org or contact Tom Patrick, volunteer manager, at 410-327-3420, ext. 31. MOVABLE FEAST has provided the following dessert guidelines: 1) No nuts. 2) No alcohol. 3) Avoid heavy icing. 4) If possible, prepare desserts in small individual portion sizes-cupcakes, cookies, separately packaged slices, etc. 5) Label what's in your package. (Not ingredients but type of dessert: cookie, cupcake, etc.) Our next Moveable Treats Sunday will April 2. Keep up the good work! Contact Fritz, chair of the Ethical Action Group, if you have any questions. Ron Solomon writes: Movable Feast desperately needs delivery drivers. I will offer to make deliveries on Monday, April 3 when I deliver the BES desserts. It requires about an hour of time to deliver about 5 meals. Movable Feast provides the meals and the route. Any one who is available about noon and might be interested should call me at 410.363.3140. Afterwards, we could have lunch.
COFFEE HOUSE ~ Saturday, April 1, 7 pm Return to the top. Upcoming EventsNo upcoming events at this time. Return to the top. Past EventsCalendar Archive (through 2005)January 2006Sundays
Return to the top. February 2006Sundays
Other ActivitiesFebruary 4, "THE VAGINA MONOLOGUES", Saturday at 7 pm. A V-Day Benefit Performance "Until the Violence Stops" $7 admission donation A special V-Day Baltimore Ethical Society 2006 performance of Eve Ensler's The Vagina Monologues will knock your socks off with its humor, anguish and everything in between. 2006 performers are BES members Karen Elliott, Judith Katz, Rosemary Klein, Karla Mancero, and Helena Wright. This is a benefit performance, supporting local organizations House of Ruth and TurnAround, Inc. as well as the V-Day organization, which works to create awareness of violence against women and support organizations that act to fight such violence. For more information, go to www.vday.org. February 5, POETRY GROUP, Sunday at 9:30 am. Facilitated by Karla Mancero. Bring poems that move you or that you have written to share and discuss. A general theme is picked for each meeting - contact Karla at poet at BaltimoreEthicalSociety.org to be added to the e-mail list and receive notification of topics. February 5, BOARD MEETING, Sunday at 12:30 pm. All members are welcome to attend. February 12, COLLOQUY ON LOVING, Sunday at 9:30 am. The colloquy is a formal program consisting of guided meditation on a particular topic, with responses on a personal level as well as time for silent reflection. It was developed by Arthur Dobrin, Ethical Culture Leader, author, and teacher. February 12, ETHICAL ACTION, Sunday at 12:15 pm
February 19, POETRY GROUP, Sunday at 9:30am. February 26, NEWCOMERS' MEETING, Sunday at 12:15 pm. Learn about the history and organization of the Baltimore Ethical Society and the Ethical Culture movement. Return to the top. March 2006Sundays
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