Sunday MeetingsFrom 10:30 to noon on Sunday mornings, Baltimore Ethical Society members and friends gather to share our vision of Ethical Culture and our concern for the world in which we live. We are a diverse group representing different races and ethnic groups, heritages and lifestyles. We unite to celebrate life's joys, to support each other in life's crises, and to affirm our choice to live with respect for others. Our meetings open with a simple statement of what Ethical Culture means, an opportunity for sharing joys and concerns, a story for the children, and a song. Our favorite storyteller is our Leader, Fritz Williams, who tells stories from his childhood and illustrates them with his own drawings. A talented member of the Society accompanies the singing on her guitar. Our children remain with us for these activities and then go to their Sunday School room after the song. After these opening ceremonies, we hear from a speaker who addresses personal and community issues from an ethical perspective. The speakers include our own Leader, visiting Leaders from other Ethical Culture Societies, representatives of community organizations, and experts on a variety of social and political issues. After the presentation and a moment of silence, we move our chairs into a circle for a lively "talk back" period when we ask questions and express our own thoughts and opinions. Our meetings are practical, contemporary, and interactive, and they deal with everyday personal and social concerns. They are governed by our belief that the principal aim of human life is working to create a more humane society. We conclude with socializing and refreshments. Often the topic of the day continues in informal conversations. |